LCGR - Low Cost Ground Release for Cargo Parachutes
This Low Cost Ground Release (LCGR) is a practical device that allows for automatic parachute disconnect upon impact with the ground. The parachute release clip helps to prevent dragging of cargo payloads and increase the safety and efficiency of Ground Forces during recovery operations It is compatible with all small and medium cargo parachutes and can be used on cargo payloads from 200-5,000 pounds in winds in excess of 20 knots.
NSN: 1670-01-610-3893
P/N 11-1-8450-1

Protect your Airdrop
When the parachute touches the ground the low cost ground release clip separates the parachute from the payload.
Compatible with all Niche Inc LCADS
- Low Velocity Parachutes
- High Velocity Parachutes
- Low Cost Low Altitude Cross Parachute
- Low Cost Containers (Cargo Net)
Antartica Resupply Mission - Watch how the Low Cost Ground Release Clips separate the parachute from the cargo upon impact with the ground.
Antarctica Airdrop
Video / Photography Credit: Australian Department of Defence
Niche Inc products used in the airdrop video:
- Low Velocity Parachutes
- Low Cost Containers
- Low Cost Ground Release
The design is a load relaxation device which relies on drag of the parachute and weight of the load to maintain the connection between payload and parachute. Upon impact with the ground, the suspension system is in a momentary no load condition allowing the device to separate the connection between the payload and parachute. This device utilizes an assist spring to separate the two identical face plates resulting in a separation of the parachute from the payload.
The device is attached between the payload and parachute via soft loop connectors and secured to the load via ¼" cotton webbing on the load side and either ¼" cotton webbing or ½" Tubular Nylon Webbing tie on the parachute side dictated by the payload weight for the appropriate strength of securing tie. The device is compatible with all small and medium cargo parachute systems currently fielded and is still economical for one time use with the Low Cost Aerial Delivery Systems (LCADS) family of cargo parachutes.